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Responsibility for our health is a choice.

The majority of people in western society are consuming foods high in chemical residues with very few essential trace elements, essential fatty acids and basic nutritional factors.

Modern agriculture techniques create unhealthy soils and the foods grown in the soil is not supplying the essential nutrients that we need to grow healthy physical and mental bodies.

Healthy soil is healthy animals, is healthy plants and makes healthy humans!

The Message is Clear.

Do you want to get healthy and stay healthy?

Whatever program you choose, the foundation needs to be to eat unprocessed foods, whole foods, fresh fruit and vegetables, chemical free clean meats and dairy food, preferably certified free range or organic.

Be informed, buy an ingredient decoder book, read labels for toxicity of additives, and delete all carbonated drinks from the diet (soft, cola, sports drinks) and drink filtered water.

Food alone is not enough.

When given adequate nutrition and the right conditions, our body has the extraordinary ability to heal, repair, regulate and protect itself. And we need pure air, sunshine, sleep, exercise, water, and a faith.

Make an informed choice.

Please remember that every time you buy chemical free and unprocessed fresh food to eat and use chemical free products on your skin to moisturise or to wash, you are making a great contribution. It is to your own health, your family’s health and the health and wealth of the nation. There are some chemicals we just cannot avoid, but there are many we can. It is our choice.

Chemical free lifestyle.

All of Australia would thrive under conditions of chemical free and organic foods, personal and home care products and unpolluted (no fluoride) water. The information on this website is to encourage everyone to seek out an "organic" and chemical free lifestyle, for their health's sake and the sake of their family and friends too. I'm not the only person who has this idea or passion.

Food as Medicine.

Deborah Wray of Wray Organic Market & Café outlets started her business in 2005 as a result of solving her child's health problems with chemical free, organic fresh foods. What a testimony for this way of eating & living. There are many who achieve health goals with food as medicine and doctors of natural medicine, and have gone on to build businesses or train as health professionals in the natural health industry.


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“When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot be exerted, wealth becomes useless, and reason is powerless”

- Herophilus 300BC


Your Health

Some of the major health conditions that a Chemical Free and Organic Lifestyle can improve and treat are:

Gluten Intolerance
Gut and all digestion Issues
Fatty Liver
Allergies and Skin Problems
Hormonal Problems


Sports Injuries
Cold and Flu Viruses
Fatigue & Adrenal Fatigue
Sleep Conditions
Weight Loss and Weight Gain
Mental Health