Veganism and Digestion Facts

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It’s time to address veganism, this new wave in the health world, now being followed by the rich and famous, teenagers and anyone who is calling out “climate change”.


Because if you stop eating meat the climate will change!!!


Because according to those who are choosing to eat plant foods also feel that the killing of sentient creatures is cruel.

They also believe that growing animals to supply meats and milks to our food chain, is the major contributor to “climate change. And so, the whole world ought to just eat plant foods, because that doesn’t kill anything and it’s healthier anyway! That seems to be the activist vegan and the media message on veganism.

There are people who would prefer to eat flesh meats, and now may eliminate meats and dairy from their diets. For many, initially this produces a cellular cleanse and people lose weight and feel healthier. However, it is not sustainable as the body’s cellular structure needs the nutrition from all the food groups. But without that knowledge, many take themselves to a point of unbearable illness before reverting to the foods that bring wellness and balance to body, mind and soul. Read the testimonies quoted in the accompanying article: “Vegans and Blood Type Foods”.

Ruminant animals chew the “cud”: cows, sheep, goats, bison, elk, buffalo, deer, wildebeest. They are hoofed, even toed and four chamber stomach designed to break down difficult to digest plant matter. With bottom teeth and no top teeth, they are perfect for harvesting grass. They are vegan animals and do not eat flesh.

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All ruminants regurgitate and rechew their food or “cud” for 6-8 hours a day. This breaks up the plant fibers and pumps fresh saliva into the mix. Plant digesting microbes work breaking down tough cell walls. The complex process of microbial breakdown of digestion involves 200 types of bacteria, 20 different protozoa and numerous fungi to digest the plant tissues. The main source of protein building blocks for the cow comes from the amino acids which are synthesized by the bacteria in the rumen. They move through the four chambers of the stomach and are carried via the bloodstream to wherever needed, including the udder where they assemble into whey casein and enzymes that make raw grass-fed milk such an excellent protein source and food.

This process transforms the grass into a food that is predigested for the human microbiome. Enzymes, vitamins, assimilable proteins in the raw milk, assists digestion when we drink the milk and assists with fermentation when we use the milk for yoghurts and cheeses. But the milk must be raw as processing kills the essential nutrients that aid digestion. The flesh meat also has accumulated all the nutrients from the plants, including crucial essential fatty acids, CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), iron and other minerals. Critical nutrients for cellular health. Biblically these are clean animals.

In the U.S.A. cattle live in yards (CAFOs - combined animal feeding operations) and are grain fed. The health of the flesh and milk for human consumption is badly compromised. Feeding of grains fattens cattle for market and increases milk supply. Traditionally cattle were pastured, no grains fed, enabling the quality of the meat and milk to be as nature intended: beneficial for the human microbiome. During the drought in Australia 2018/19 it was hay (dry grass) that was trucked across Australia to the starving cattle, not grain.

Non-ruminant herbivore animals (monogastric) eat plants, all sorts of vegetation and grains and have one stomach: horse, elephant, kangaroo, rabbit. Their teeth are not made to tear flesh and to kill. However, they may attack and bite to save their young or if threatened but will not eat other animals and humans. Humans do not instinctively eat the flesh or the milk of these animals, although some cultures do. Biblically these are unclean animals.

Omnivore animals and humans eat plants and meat. Pigs, rats, bears (grizzly & polar – not koala) chimpanzees, fox. Teeth structure allows for tearing plant foods, grinding grains, nuts and seeds, and chewing meats. Digestive structure processes protein in the stomach with gastric acids containing hydrochloric acid, enzymes and gut flora in the small intestine to continue the process. Biblically these are unclean animals.

Carnivore animals eat flesh only (the dog family and the cat family, crocodile, bears, seals). The stomach acid in carnivores is very high, to enable the digestion of flesh protein foods eaten. Their teeth also are made to tear flesh, kill and eat other animals and humans. These animals carry various bacteria, worms and disease that may pose a threat to human health. Humans do not instinctively or traditionally eat the flesh of these animals. Biblically these are unclean animals.

However, in times of severe famine, the human being will eat any type of food as the will to live is absolute. Ruminant animals are the only animals whose flesh and milk has been prepared for human consumption, by the animal. Weston A Price said, “life in all its fullness is mother nature obeyed”.

GAPS – Gut and Psychology Syndrome. Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride. Excerpt from the book, page 233.

In my clinical experience a large percentage of girls and boys who develop an eating disorder start from a vegetarian or a vegan type diet. I have no doubt that the fashion for vegetarian and vegan diets is a major cause of mental illness in our young people. Due to all the misinformation about food published relentlessly in popular media the population at large are convinced that vegetarianism is healthy. As the child stops eating meat and other animal products, she develops serious nutritional deficiencies.

The first deficiency is in proteins, as plant foods are very poor sources of protein and whatever protein they do contain is virtually indigestible for the human gut. Protein malnutrition is a very serious matter, the body cannot produce hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters and a myriad of other active substances. All this is happening in a growing child, who requires a lot of protein in order to build new tissues and new cells. In parallel with protein deficiency the child develops severe deficiency in zinc, because zinc in human diet comes largely from red meat. This mineral is involved in some 200 enzymatic reactions in the body.

Low fat diet leads to deficiency in fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E and K which means a disaster for all sorts of metabolic functions in the body, particularly for the immune system.

Vitamin B group is another deficiency these children develop very quickly as meats, eggs and other animal products are the main food sources. Vegetarian diets are based on carbohydrates, which require a lot of magnesium to be digested and metabolized, so deficiency in magnesium follows. When the immune system is compromised, this leads to infections which are treated with antibiotics. This brings more damage to the immune system and to gut flora. All manner of hormonal exhaustion manifests, as hormones are proteins, and the body cannot build them without a supply plus zinc, magnesium, the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K, B vitamins and other nutrients.

Hormone malfunction includes sexual development arrests, fatigue, emotional and behavioral problems, irregular menses and associated pain. “ End of excerpt.

The program for repairing the mind of alphabet (ADH & ADHD etc.) children, always starts with the gut.

It does not use plant matter as corrective treatment and will not until there is some progress in the condition of the gut.

Diarrhea is treated by removing all plant matter and introducing meat soups enriched with the natural fats and naturally made probiotic foods.

Constipation is treated the same way, but with specific vegetables added. This is far from a vegan diet but is a proven healing regime.

Nutrients must be able to get from the gut to the brain cells to enable health of the mind. As Dr Natasha states in the beginning “vegetarian and vegan diets are major cause of mental illness in our young people”. She also explains that our digestive system has been designed to utilize a mix of animal foods and plant foods, as it is a digestive system for omnivores, not herbivores.

The digestive system of ruminant animals is the answer as to why we eat their flesh and drink their milk.

It is to take advantage of the process the cow/sheep/goat uses to convert plants into digestible, highly nutritious food for the human microbiome. But we do need to eat and drink it before it is changed by poor agriculture practice and processing.

Plants have protective mechanisms for their own preservation. Hence, we need to nullify any natural toxicity in our culinary plants. Traditional cultures use fermentation, sprouting, soaking and cooking to minimize the toxins in various plants, and maximise the extraction of the nutrients by the human digestive system.

GAPS protocol uses similar foods to Keto, Paleo, Atkins, WAP and Blood Type, which all require the eating of chemical free flesh meats. All these diets have proven benefits for most disease states. Dr Weston A Price. visited 14 countries during 1931 to 1937 documenting the teeth and face structure of the indigenous populations and the food they consumed. His intent was to find out why these cultures had excellent dental health and bone structure as the children he ministered to in his practice in the U.S.A. had poor dental health. This is what he found:

It is significant,” said Price, “that I have as yet found no group that was building and maintaining good bodies exclusively on plant foods. A number of groups are endeavoring to do so with marked evidence of failure.” Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, P282.

Every human being is an individual and there is no one diet for all people.

Every food plan ought to be tailored to that individual. This is simply common sense illustrated by the fact we have individual fingerprints, voice, and iris eye patterns.

The climate issue has to do with our mismanagement of the water, lands, animals and mineral resources. A return to good stewardship incorporating practices which rebuild and sustain these vital resources is possible. To do that we need to be more knowledgeable of past practices, the good and the bad, and bring the lessons into the future. Interestingly, there are many new and innovative practices devised that are helping to clear our past mistakes and provide future regeneration.

Veganism does not appear to recognize the need for knowledge past or present. Humans do not chew “cud”, therefore need to apply the techniques used to extract nutrients from plants, seeds and grains when choosing a plant food diet or every diet which all include plant foods. Vegans may know this, some may not.


  • People who would naturally eat animal foods, i.e. Blood type O and B, are being coerced to not do so by being fed the false notion that cows cause climate change.

  • Ruminant animals are vegan, eating only plant foods, and due to the four unique stomach compartments, turn their milk and flesh into highly digestible food for human beings who do not have a stomach that digests plant foods efficiently.

  • Feeding grain to cattle causes them to be ill and the meat and flesh is not as healthy, like the milk and flesh of grass-fed animals.

  • Humans do not instinctively eat the flesh from carnivore, omnivore and herbivore animals. o We have domesticated the carnivore cats and dogs, but they will still instinctively kill and eat human flesh.

  • Re the Weston A Price statement which says that no society was found eating only plant foods. What this means is that the human race birthed and reproduced and grew to be 7.7 billion people while eating a diet across the broad spectrum of foods available over all the earth and not one race ever ate plants only, as their food source.


    GAPS – Gut and Psychology Syndrome, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, MMedSci (Neurology & Nutrition).

    Weston A Price, DDS. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.