Veganism and Blood Type Foods

Veganism and blood type foods

We have gone from coconut oil to kale, GAPS to Paleo, moving along to keto and now to diets where we all eat plants only!

This time it’s not just for our health, it’s to save the world!

Therefore, we all ought to adopt plant only eating. Otherwise we are guilty of not doing the right thing for our children, we are told.

As a nation we are totally addicted to sugar in its many forms. Of interest is that these latest waves of populism for certain foods do not all further the vegetarian style diets, but they are quickly adapted to comply. GAPS, Paleo and Keto need flesh protein to be effective to restore gut and mind. But to appease the addiction for our carbohydrate vegetarian sweet palate they are adapted. See the books: Vegan Paleo and Vegan Keto.

The whole point of protein focused GAPS, Paleo and Keto is to rid the body of its addiction to a sweet palate. Real protein sates the palate, reduces cravings for sweet foods, and enables fat to be used as energy, resulting in corrections to various health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, autism, MS, Alzheimer’s, autism. Carbohydrate is to be eaten as a complex, in its whole form i.e. brown rice, quinoa, millet, whole beans and the like. But to appease the addiction to a sweet palate (sugar), sweet recipes consist of almond meal, seed flour (instead of grain flours), carob, sweetened with agave, stevia, monk fruit, fruits and lots of coconut in its many forms.

Honey is not allowed. I asked Google why vegans don't eat honey:

“Honey is made by bees for bees, and their health can be sacrificed when it is harvested by humans.”

It seems, harvesting honey does not correlate with The Vegan Society's definition of veganism, which seeks to exclude, not just alleged cruelty but also exploitation. Yet honey would be the best sweetener as it has natural enzymes, making it an aid to digestion, with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

The Blood Type Protocol may provide some answers for this latest popular trend, and those who cannot tolerate a plant only diet. Our blood is the only differing chemical factor in the human body and determines other factors. People eat instinctively to blood type. Blood Type O will choose red meats, Blood Type A will tend towards vegetarianism, choose carbohydrate foods and white meats, mostly fish, and Blood Type B and AB are mixed types. AB tends towards A and chooses a more plant-based diet, and B will select dairy foods and lamb meat as favourites. Relevant to this discussion is the digestive acids relating to each blood type. Blood Type A and AB have lesser stomach acids, reducing ability to digest red meats. Hence the instinctive selection towards plant foods and white meats. Some A blood types dislike the smell and texture of red meats and do not like to handle it.

A note here re pig meats: bacon, ham, pork. Some consider this as “white meat”, however it is far from the digestibility of the flesh of fish and fowl. Pig meat takes longer to break down in the gut than all other meats. They are scavenger animals, eating their own feces, dead carcasses including their own young. Parasitic infection of their flesh carries a concern for human’s health. Pig meats must be well cooked to kill any potential parasite invasion in the flesh. The Blood Type Protocol does not recommend pig meats for human consumption.

Blood Type distribution worldwide.

Blood Type Distribution Worldwide

Blood group O (40-45%)
Blood group A (35-40%)
Blood group B (4-11%)
Blood group AB (0-2%)

The Blood Type Protocol selects according to agglutinating and digestibility factor across all food groups. This allows for all nutrient needs and provides foundational foods for that individual. This then automatically eliminates many allergies and intolerances initially without the need for tests and elimination diets as selecting per blood type immediately eliminates basic causative factors. A treatment plan can then be devised based on the person's individual symptomatology which will eliminate non beneficial foods.

Blood Type A and AB: This means about 44% of people like and instinctively choose vegetarianism which does not include red meats. The call to go vegan then eliminates eggs and dairy foods from the cow because, according to vegan activists, cattle are destroying the world as we know it! However they can digest eggs, chicken, fish and selected dairy.

Blood Type O and B: This means about 55% of people like, and instinctively choose, fresh red meats over poultry and fish. Some are now denying that craving and choosing only plant foods (veganism or vegetarianism) because of the altruistic idea that “cows” are causing “climate change”, and “we need to get them off the planet”.

Each blood type lists foods needed for balanced nutrition, highly beneficial or neutral from all food groups, plus foods to avoid. Reference: for food lists for each blood type.

Long term, veganism is unsustainable for the human body.

There are many who have built businesses out of “going vegan”, blogging and publishing books. Here are some of the symptoms that caused a return to eating flesh meats by those who have achieved fame for their move to veganism:

“Irregular periods, digestive issues, skin and gut problems, salmon cravings and the worst poops and gas, early menopause, hot flushes and absent periods, IBS, stomach cramps so bad she would vomit with writhing around the floor, multiple trips to the toilet, flagging energy, tired all the time and collapsing in classes, weariness of the social and financial cost”. Read the full story here.

May I suggest that some of these people might have been blood type O or B and need red meat nutrients. Ovo-Vegetarianism is a better choice for vegans, as the eating of eggs, cheese and fermented dairy brings better nutritional balance, providing some real protein, with no animal killed in the process.

The other aspect to the religion of veganism is the response from the peer group when someone reverts to eating meat again and the person's own guilt.

Here are some of the comments from the above article.:

“I felt an overwhelming sense of guilt”, “although my conscience felt lighter, it was not healthy”,annoyed with herself that she didn’t stick to it.” religiously vegan friends have gotten quite upset about it”, “at times people implied I was being selfish, or that I didn’t care enough in the first place”, “now I feel a need to be careful about what I say and to whom” “vegans have a reputation for being pious and judgmental at times”.

I presume the feelings of guilt are because they are no longer “saving the world from climate change”. This could be alleviated if they had done their research on all aspects of the cattle, sheep, poultry and plant food industries. This would enable informed choices on their desire to do the right thing for conserving our environment and the future. Highly recommended is the 2019 book on Australian meat rearing and harvesting practices. “On Eating Meat” by Matthew Evans. Whether we are meat eaters or not, this is a book for all Australians who eat food!

“Vegetarianism and Digestion Facts” has more information on the foods the body needs for cellular health.


  • Many “diets” have come and gone over the last fifty years. The invention of the portable computer (PC) in the 1970’s and the www in 1991 allowed the proliferation of information on what everyone ought to eat. Foods relative to blood type “Eat Right 4 Your Type” became available from 1996.

  • Western nations consume much of their food processed. This requires sugars to be used for palatability to compensate for the low-fat craze that has been with us for forty plus years. Palates have been conditioned to crave and be sated by carbohydrate diets of refined grains, sweet fruits and sweet vegetables: carrots, beetroot, peas, sweet potato, corn, potato. Plus, sweetened waters (soft drinks, flavoured milks etc.), rather than plain water.

  • Blood Type science may explain why some people can be well on vegetarianism, and some cannot sustain a diet without flesh meats and dairy as evidenced by the testimonies cited. For the scientific reason visit and website

  • Blood Type Science has been lumped in with the next “diet” craze phenomena. However, it is not a diet based on someone’s personal experience “I did this, and I got well, so here’s a book on how you can get well too”. Many see it in this vogue, and as having run it’s time, and so let’s try the next better thing. However, the science of blood type gives the answer to why some thrive on red meats, some don’t, some like dairy, some must be very selective, some prefer to be vegetarian and why societies across multiple cultures eat foods available to them and select according to their instinct.

  • In western societies, the intermingling of cultures and the extraordinary availability of foods, brings confusion as to what to select as best for health and wellbeing. The information in the blood type protocol (which includes variations into genotype) is foundational to providing a workable answer, for long term health irrespective of the latest fad.

  • Emotion and misinformation are the bases for the altruistic call to the world’s people to eat plants and only plants as food for humankind.
