The Virus and the Vaccine Pt. 2 - Prevention is better than cure

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You do know we don’t die from Covid, don’t you?

It’s the inflammatory response that is caused by the virus that disables or kills us. That’s why we need to set about building a strong immune system that will disable the virus and not let it disable us if we are exposed to it. To achieve that we need to be aware, informed, not misinformed, careful of what mind and mouth takes in.

What is the Immune system? It is the inherent natural system within us that protects us from things that threaten our life. Things that are foreign to the human body such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and injuries. Many drugs suppress the immune system. Check the medications you may be taking for immunosuppressant factors. Check out your medication here.

Blood Type and the Immune System.

‘Your blood type is the key to your body’s entire immune system. It controls the influence of viruses, bacteria, infections, chemicals, stress and the entire assortment of invaders and conditions that might compromise your immune system. The immune system works to define ‘self’ and destroy ‘non-self’. This is a critical function, for without it your immune system could attack your own tissues by mistake or allow a dangerous organism access to vital areas of your body. This connection was rediscovered, published in 1996 and updated 2016. The book is Dr Peter D’Adamo’s “Eat Right for Your type”, and republished 2016. by has sold Over 7 million copies, and in 65 languages, success based on evidence and science and results. Refer to and

“The blood type diet is not a panacea. It is a way to restore the natural protective functions of your immune system, reset your metabolic clock and clear blood of dangerous agglutinating lectins. If you have a medical problem, the blood type protocol can make a critical difference. It makes perfect scientific sense.” Ref; Eat Right for your Type, P75.

“Nature has endowed our immune system with very sophisticated methods to determine if a substance in the body is foreign or not. One method involves chemical markers called antigens, which are found in every life form. One of the most powerful antigens in the human body is the one that determines your blood type, and when operating effectively, they are the immune systems greatest security system. Your blood type antigen decides if an intruder is friend or foe. If it is a foe, the immune system creates antibodies to that antigen. And will attach and tag the foreign antigen for destruction. This is achieved by creating a reaction called agglutination, which makes the blood very sticky creating blood clots, and easier for the body to get rid of the ‘foe”. P29-30 “Eat Right 4 Your Type”

“This can be described as coagulation, or clumping, and is a blockage of blood flow which may cause stroke and heart attack. Blood type antibodies (IgM) are produced automatically and made without stimulation of the immune system. Agglutination is a very powerful defense mechanism and very relevant to eating right for blood type so as to avoid agglutination from eating foods that the body may recognise as a “foe”. Most of our other antibodies (IgG) require some sort of stimulation (such as vaccination or an infection) for their production. P32 “Eat Right 4 Your Type”

What is a virus? A virus is a microscopic organism that invades living cells in order to reproduce. Many, like corona viruses cause illness. Viruses infect all types of life forms, animals and plants to microorganisms.

What is happening in the body when the body is infected with a virus? Inflammation can happen very fast when fighting a virus such as Covid. The body’s natural defence, the immune system, increases the body temperature (a fever) to “burn up” the invader, the viral organism. It is the immune systems’ natural inflammatory response bringing heat or swelling. It’s a short-term reaction to save the person’s life.

The virus comes in via the nose and mouth and invades the respiratory organs. This causes breathing to become difficult due to lack of oxygen to the cells, cough, joint pain, loss of taste, tiredness. If left untreated this may turn into pneumonia, an infection of the lungs. The lungs primary job is to bring oxygen to the cells, therefore it’s imperative that the lungs do not succumb to the virus. Daily maintenance doses of Vitamin C and Vitamin A are the two main nutrients to ensure lung health.

When inflammation remains, it becomes chronic (long term) as seen in many diseases and conditions such as cardiovascular, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, gastrointestinal, fibromyalgia. Disease names ending in ‘itis’, are inflammatory diseases. Certain foods may also cause inflammation of the gut, joints, and skin. Eating according to the information given in D’Adamo’s blood type protocol may eliminate much of the inflammation caused by foods that are not compatible with your blood type.

Beneficial viruses: Some viruses have beneficial properties for their hosts, while other natural and laboratory-modified viruses can be used to target and kill cancer cells, to treat a variety of genetic diseases as gene and cell therapy tools, or to serve as vaccines or vaccine delivery agents.

Viral mutations: How dangerous is the UK variant? Viruses typically mutate over time and this virus is no exception. It is reported the vaccines will cover all coronavirus variants. Strong immune systems will also overcome the variants now and in the future.

What is a vaccine? A substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease. A traditional vaccine uses inactivated, dead, or portions of actual virus to spur an immune response without inducing the disease.

What is a vaccine when it’s not a vaccine: Messenger RNA vaccine isn't a vaccine as we know it, because it doesn't elicit an immune response like traditional vaccines which contain particles of the disease. The mRNA vaccine acts as an intermediary between the gene and the product, the protein. It's the protein that ultimately elicits the immune response. Including generation of antibodies specific to the SARS-COV-2 spike protein. A poor immune system may incite an over stimulation reaction phenomenon to the virus or the vaccine, a “cytokine storm”. When the cytokines that raise immune activity become too abundant, the immune system may not be able to stop itself. Best to have a strong immune system so that this may not happen.

The Blood type and vaccines. Blood types have individual reactions to vaccines. The Blood type sensitivities are explained in D’Adamo book” Ref: Eat Right 4 Your Type”, P257- P260.

Masks: They have now become a source of division in society and a tool for whatever political persuasion followed. The mask was intended to cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing to stop particles infecting each other in crowded areas. Does it help to stop Covid transmission? I’m sure you have all seen where the best scientists say yes, or no!! They are a barrier to getting oxygen to the lungs, therefore when walking and exercising, or alone are unnecessary and unhealthy. It is a directive by state governments in Australia re wearing of masks, not a law. If not wanting to wear a mask, apply for an exemption as many options are available:

Hand Sanitizer: The first direction to protect ourselves was to wash hands with soap and water. Great. And if not available when out and about, use hand sanitizers, which became big business! It’s easier to rub a gel on hands, so we switched to hand sanitizer, I suspect hand washing became secondary. Sad. For Hand Sanitizer to be effective it needs to have 60% + alcohol (ethanol or isopropyl) preferably regulated by the TGA with an AUST R number on the label: Remember they are flammable also. Continual use of these sanitizers may have long term health effects, as everything that goes on the skin, is taken into the cells of the body. Keep out of reach of children. While in Bunnings recently I watched a child (about 7) use it from an unattended pay counter dispenser, rubbed his hands, and went back for another big slather. Too much is not healthy, and if ingested it’s too late. Deaths have occurred from drinking hand sanitizer. Keep out of reach of children and monitor use. Triclosan is an antibacterial agent used in hand sanitizers but was shown to be toxic, is banned in the USA but not in Australia. Check the label that it does not contain this toxic chemical.

Blood Type and Food as Medicine.

Taking control of your diet is a simple, common sense strategy to lower the risks associated with this virus and to carry out prevention strategies that will provide defences should you come in contact with it. Eating according to blood type protocol is the most efficient way to select food that will ensure immune system is not being compromised by poor food choices. Two websites: About D’Adamo, the science, the diet. About Blood type detail, articles, food lists.

We intuitively eat to blood type, here are clues to blood type if unknown:

BT O: meats and vegetables. BT A: Plants and carbs. BT B: Lamb and dairy. BT AB: combination A & B.

A chemical reaction occurs between your blood and the food you eat. Lectins are abundant and diverse proteins found in foods have agglutinating properties affecting your blood and tissues. Often the lectins used by viruses or bacteria can be blood type specific, making them stickier for people of that blood type. So too with the lectins in food. When you eat a food containing protein lectins that are incompatible with your blood type antigen, the lectins can attach to the walls of the digestive tract, initiate inflammation, and even penetrate the gut lining and escape into the circulation. Different lectins target different organs and body systems. Once the intact lectin protein interacts with your tissues, it virtually has a magnetic effect on the cells in that region. It clumps the cells together (agglutinates them) which targets them for destruction, as if they too were foreign invaders. This clumping can cause irritable bowel syndrome, disrupt the balance of healthy bacteria in the gut, and even block the absorption of other foods.

Mostly our immune system protects us from lectins. Fortunately, most lectins found in the diet are not life threatening but can cause a variety of other problems. Ninety five percent of the lectins we absorb from our typical diets are sloughed off by the body, but five percent we eat are filtered into the bloodstream where they react with and destroy red and white blood cells. In the digestive tract they often create violent inflammation of the sensitive mucus of the intestines, and this agglutinative action may mimic food allergies. Even a minute quantity can cause such a reaction if the particular blood type is reactive. The gluten in wheat is the most common lectin which binds to the lining of the small intestine, causing substantial inflammation and pain, especially in Type O and people with celiac disease.

However, do not be fearful of every food you eat. The key is to avoid the lectins that agglutinate your cells and is determined by your blood type. Refer to the “Avoid” lists in the Blood Type protocol.

Immune System destroyers:

Stress and Anxiety: Stress related disorders cause up to 80% of all illnesses in modern life. Your personal response to stress has a surprisingly strong link to your blood type and your immune system.

Excess Sugar: Sugar depresses the immune system. Sugar is in most processed food, savoury and sweet. Refined carbohydrates have high sugar count. Fruit and juices need to be eaten in moderation for sugar control. Read labels, 4g sugar is one teaspoonful as a guide on product nutrition labels.

Dead Food: Processed foods, foods with long shelf life, packaged foods boosted with artificial vitamins, constant eating of takeaway food sustains life, but does not renew cellular life.

Liquids: Alcohol, soft drinks, sports drinks, excess coffee, and teas.

High unsaturated fat intake. Its popular to use high omega 6 unsaturated fat plant oils for cooking and spreads. It’s been found these oils are the primary contributor to many chronic diseases. These oils are used commercially in takeaway and manufactured foods, noted on labels as ‘vegetable oil”, and may be labeled “vegan friendly, no palm oil, no cholesterol”. Vegetable oils used may be a mixture of canola, soy, cottonseed, sunflower and peanut oils. These are the unsaturated fats mentioned in the reference article that follows. Mortality from Coronavirus Disease 2019 Correlates with Dietary Unsaturated Fat Intake; Saturated Fat Is Protective.

The protective saturated fats are real butter (cream, water, salt) ghee, dripping, lard, duck fat, fats on meats, coconut oil.

Poor Gut Health: An inefficient digestive system does not extract the nutrients we need for healthy cells. Food is our medicine but if we can’t access the nutrients then we don’t get the ‘medicine’ into the cells. Burping, reflux, poor fat digestion, bloating, pain, wind, constipation/diarrhoea and much more indicate a need for change to foods, drink, lifestyle. Start with the blood type protocol, eat to your blood type.

Proton Pump Inhibitors i.e. reflux drugs that suppress stomach acid. The use of PPI’s (proton pump inhibitors, acid lowering drug) are one of the most used drugs in Australia and the USA, and sadly now available over the counter. People who use PPI’s may be more likely to contact Covid because the acid in the stomach is lowered by the drug and it is this acid that kills pathogenic material in everything we ingest. Research found that those who took PPIs once a day were twice as likely to test positive to Covid than those who did not. People who took PPIs twice daily were almost four times more likely to test positive to Covid-19.

Poor Sleep: During sleep the body is a hive of activity. It uptakes nutrients, processes, cleanses, and disposes of toxins, and even processes emotions while we sleep. We need approximately eight hours of sleep to allow these essential processes to take place, and wake refreshed.

No Exercise: Everyone has their individual level of exercise need. Walking is mandatory. If not able to walk, do breathing, stretches, massage, whatever can be managed. The body is made to move, otherwise the blood, lymph and all body fluids stagnate.

Depression: Cause of stress, robber of energy, strength, purpose, and the will to live. Get things right with others, communicate, seek counsel, forgive, seek help. Find your purpose in life, and work towards it.

No Sunlight: No sunlight, no vitamin D, no overall health. The sun doesn’t give us cancer, it’s our mismanagement of our exposure to the sun that is the cause. The sun is the source of all energy and life on earth. The sunlight taken in through our eyes, falling on our skin, is a precursor to the essential chemical reactions we need to sustain life. Eyes exposed to natural outdoor light helps the brain to work better.

Sunscreen creams: When we apply chemical sunscreens, we may stop the sun’s rays from ‘burning’ our skin, but we also stop the life that builds a healthy cellular structure. Chemicals in sunscreens are endocrine disrupting, with developmental and reproductive toxicity, and bioaccumulate in humans and wildlife. Be sure to buy ‘reef safe’ sunscreen when you really need a sunscreen. They are more mineral and less chemical based.

Electro Magnetic Fields: Radiation disrupts our natural body energies, causing organs to malfunction. Wherever there is a receiver, the radiation is concentrated. Modem, mobile phone, iPad, microwave ovens, X Rays, and the like. Radioactive elements are structurally similar to their non-radioactive counterparts, differing only in the number of neutrons the atoms contain. This is why nutrition is important in preventing or blocking damage from exposure to radioactive elements. If you do not obtain sufficient calcium, potassium and other minerals in your diet, your body may absorb radioactive elements that are similar in structure to these nutrients. For example, if you do not get enough calcium, your body will absorb radioactive strontium 90 or other elements that are similar in structure to calcium, if they are available. Similarly, if you obtain sufficient potassium from your diet, your body will be less likely to retain any radioactive cesium 137a it encounters, as this element is similar to potassium.

If the cells are able to obtain all nutrients they need from your diet, they will be less likely to absorb radioactive substitutes, which are then more likely to be discarded from the body and affect you less. A real fresh food diet plus basic nutritional supplementation is more likely to supply the minerals needed to keep the body’s homeostasis. Place all devices in a room away from bedrooms by 9pm to enable sleep to be regenerative.

Immune System Enhancers: Virus and Vaccine Protection Guidelines.

Caution: just as not enough of a good thing is ineffective, too much of a good thing can be toxic. On social media I read of people in the USA without severe Covid symptoms getting adverse results from taking mega doses of Vit C.

Start with food as per the Blood Type Protocol. The book, “Eat Right for Your Type” by Dr Peter D’Adamo is available online and as an App. Subscribe only to “The Blood type Diet, North American Pharmacal “. Others are not D’Adamo’s and may lead you astray. Cost is A$5.99. The Book “Eat Right 4 your Type” is available at QBD $23.00. If buying online make sure your copy has “Fully Revised & Updated” in red banner across top of cover. I also recommend these cookbooks by Australian authors, “Keto Slow Cooker” and “’Slow Cooker Family Favourites’’.

Food changes: begin with breakfast. The food you put in to start the day is your fuel, and if you eat dead food the organs that give energy for physical, mental, and emotional work will not get the fuel needed to keep you going for the day. Boxed cereals are primarily refined carbohydrates, dehydrated, dead food, mostly laced with sugars. White wheaten bread acts as sugar too. Sugars give the kick start feeling, but nothing to keep the body, the engine going. Protein (eggs, meats, fish), complex carbohydrates, nuts & seeds, and vegetables are better choices. Think of your body as a motor vehicle. It needs the best fuel, water, and oil. Give your body the best too.

Eat real food 90% of the time: Nutrient dense foods, not filler foods such as white rice, pasta, and breads. Where possible eat meals between 8am – 6pm allowing the digestive tract and digestion process to rest. For digestive issues, take enzymes and a probiotic supplement with food.

Basic culinary nutrients: Have some daily: garlic, onions, turmeric, cayenne pepper, ginger, fresh/dried oregano, apple cider vinegar, mushrooms, broccoli, blueberries, green and black tea, fresh lemon juice, fresh and dried herbs, manuka honey. Use the App for your blood type to check if foods/herbs are Right for Your Type.

Water: Cellular hydration is critical and is a contributing factor to poor health in western society today. We have so many other options to substitute for water. Teas, coffee, soft drinks, sports drinks, smoothies, etc. do not have the beneficial effect of pure water, filtered to take out chlorine, fluoride, and agricultural chemicals. Unfiltered water is preferable to water with flavours and stimulants. Pure water at room temperature is more hydrating than cold water.

These are the main nutrients promoted by integrative doctors, natural medicine practitioners as being essential to support the organs targeted by the virus and used post virus for quick recovery.

Vitamin C: This is the ultimate anti-viral to boost the immune system and to treat a person who has Covid-19 and for lung health. Powered Vit C is recommended. Powder may include a natural sweetener, minerals, and other nutrients. Dissolved in water it quickly moves through the gut and out into the blood stream. I see on the internet doses of 10,000 mg plus, taken. These therapeutic doses for pneumonia and hypoxia caused by the virus, would be given in hospital via Intravenous Injection (IV). Prevention dose is 1000mg, taken 3 to 5 times daily. Tablets or jubes that are labeled ‘no sugar’, will contain aspartame as the sweetener. It is a toxic chemical, containing aspartic acid and phenylalanine. Breathlessness, elevated blood pressure, loose bowel and racing heartbeat are all symptoms of aspartame toxicity.

Vitamin D and Sunlight: Vit D is now recognised to be essential for immunity as Covid deaths have recorded having very low levels of Vit D. Sunlight also manages the steroidal, hormonal cholesterol fat essential for brain health and nerve endings. Vit D encourages the more effective use of calcium absorption for bones and muscle and is essential therapy against all disease states. The sun can help brain function, improve the nervous system, hormonal regulation, muscle function, immune health, and carries many other benefits. Sunlight is best. Sitting in the early morning or late afternoon sun is recommended if you are not an outdoors person. For people confined to an indoor environment, such as working in aircon, fluro lights all day, or in nursing home, and the like, then supplementation with vitamin D is necessary at 1-2 x 1000mg caps daily. Invest in a quality brand supplement. If a blood test shows very low levels, higher doses can be prescribed by your GP, as the TGA will allow only 1000mg capsules in retail product.

Zinc: Zinc is an essential mineral, critical immune system support. Over 100 enzymes in humans are dependent on zinc for their activity, and because these enzymes are involved in so many different metabolic pathways in the body, the signs and symptoms of zinc deficiency are extremely diverse, ranging from suboptimal immune health, lack of taste and smell, to poor growth, skin issues, mood regulation, appetite, and neurodevelopment. Zinc is, along with iron, the most highly concentrated mineral in our brains. Children who do not get enough zinc in their diet can become stunted (i.e., end up short) and suffer from recurrent infections, even anaemia. This tells us how important zinc is for overall health. Small periodic doses enhance immunity; long term higher doses depress and can interfere with the absorption of other minerals and be toxic. Zinc is in multivitamin/mineral complexes and available separately. Zinc and Vit C are often combined in supplement formulas.

Vitamin A: Vitamin A is critical to the functioning of your immune system. It’s also a vital player in your diet through foods or supplements to help your body initiate its natural repair process in the lungs. The most effective source of vitamin A is from cod liver oil, animal flesh, dairy foods (real butter - cream, water, salt) and ghee. Vitamin A is so important to your eyes that it is also known as “retinol,” after the word “retina.” Sufficient Vitamin A intake helps maintain the health of your retina which connects the brain to the optic nerve and helps prevent age-related macular degeneration.

Magnesium: Supports a healthy immune system with anti-viral properties. As a central nervous system nutrient, it keeps the heartbeat steady, and helps bones remain strong and is necessary to activate vitamin D. Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body, it maintains normal nerve and muscle function. It also helps adjust blood glucose levels and aids in the production of energy and protein.

Selenium: Selenium is an essential trace mineral, with anti-viral properties. It plays a critical role in metabolism and thyroid function and helps protect your body from damage caused by oxidative stress. Brazil nuts are the most potent food sources, but meat, seafood, and dairy are all good food sources of this vital mineral. Available in supplement form, and in most multivitamin/mineral complexes.

Probiotics and Enzymes: Gut health is critical for a strong immune system. A course of probiotics, fermented foods and eating as per the blood type protocol will ensure the digestion and elimination process is efficient. We need enzymes because we have weakened our digestion with poor dietary choices since the advent of processed and fast food. Using pancreatic enzymes may help with replacement of the PPI drugs. Eating to the blood type protocol may eliminate foods which initiate a need for the PPI drug also.

Basic everyday supplements: Vitamin B complex, multi vitamin and mineral complexes, cod liver oil and fish oil.

Medicinal Immune boosting herbs: Echinacea, olive leaf extract, elderberry, ginseng, oregano oil capsules, wormwood (artemisia), astragalus are herbal medicines generally available as capsules or liquids and may be combined in immune strengthening formulas.

Lifestyle necessities: Sunlight, exercise, sleep, water.

Beware of effects of EMF: Turn off computer/phones/tablets well before bedtime, and best not take them to bed. They disrupt sleep and affect the benefits the immune system gets while sleeping.

Basic preventative routine: Wash hands with soap and water at home after being out to supermarket, shopping centres, entertainment, socializing and so on. Use hand sanitizers as emergency cleaning of hands.

Medical drugs to treat Covid

See TGA website: for information on these drugs which have been approved and used for decades in Australia but not approved for treating Covid-19. The TGA has updated the information to include restrictions for Covid-19.

1) Hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malarial drug, used successfully in other countries to save lives. In Queensland cannot be prescribed for Covid, with heavy fines and jail for doctors who do, until end of the declared public health emergency, currently due to end 31st March 2021.

2) Ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug. Proven as a preventive in other countries. In the USA, of 58 health care workers who took Ivermectin once a month for four months, only four (6.96%) came down with mild COVID-19 symptoms during the May through August 2020 trial period, compared to 44 of 60 health care workers (26.67%) who declined the medication.

In August 2020, India’s largest state, Uttar Pradesh, added Ivermectin to its recommendations and distributed the drug for home care, free of charge. The state of Bihar also started recommending Ivermectin, and by the end of 2020, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh had the lowest and second lowest COVID-19 fatality rates in all of India.

A WHO-sponsored review suggests ivermectin can reduce COVID-19 mortality by as much as 83% In the U.S the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance is calling for widespread adoption of Ivermectin, both as a prophylactic and for the treatment of all phases of COVID-19:

3) This website is hosted by a group of concerned Victorian Doctors, who want the Government to allow the use of these drugs:



Remember that news is not necessarily as you might hear or see it. We are not told the diseases people died from, how many were due to die from other disease states, the ages of those who died, and so on. We need to be so careful in our uptake of fear and concern for the reported deaths in the UK and the USA. Was the treatment given for Covid an accelerator for their deaths? European health authorities are now putting a warning to not vaccinate the elderly. This will be because many have died after vaccination. But we don’t know circumstances and we are just told numbers and then the media says it’s because of the vaccine, then another report says it isn’t. This is not helpful; it is alarmism. Remember, media is in the business of making the news, newsier, juicier, and more fearful. To get the facts on Covid-19 in Australia, go to the this website:

UK statistics online show the following existing conditions of people who died with Covid. Asthma, chronic kidney, neurological and pulmonary disease, dementia, diabetes, ischemic heart disease, mental health, learning disabilities/autism. Of the 50,248 deaths, 48180 (96%) had pre-existing conditions, of which 44,842 (93%) were aged above 60 yrs. with majority over 80 yrs. Australia’s 900 deaths stats show the majority of deaths were elderly and all deaths with pre-existing conditions:

Autopsies in the UK showed one third of Covid deaths had blood clots along with lung complications:

Seeking exemption to being vaccinated. Be prepared and see your doctor for an exemption if you have pre-existing conditions: on medical drugs, allergic reaction to other vaccinations, or allergies of any type.

Geographical areas & Covid: In the previous newsletter I mentioned we are a warm country. You will have noticed that covid-19 has proliferated in cold countries. Be grateful for the heat and it impedes the proliferation of the virus in hot climates.

Most important do not succumb to fear and anxiety about the virus or the vaccine. Politicians claiming super virulent spreader strains create a reason to mandate restrictions, but the basic threat of the virus is the same. We have resources to build immunity no matter the strain of the virus. It’s a matter of choice and we have that in the best country in the world, Australia.

Influenza in Australia: It interesting that we hear no news on the flu. Vaccination has been in place now for years. Deaths recorded 2019 are 812, along with 4000 hospitalizations. This would have to be a greater threat to our health than Covid, yet we hear nothing of it. The good news is that increasing our immune system will defend against the influenza virus also, no matter what strain it is.

The Prime Minister has said the protocol for Australia is to test the people who have symptoms, isolate them, trace contacts, keep state borders open. Australia will do containment, not elimination of the virus as that is not possible.

The State Governments (with the exception of NSW) have defied this instruction. They are testing everyone, lockdown the area, close borders, trace and are following an elimination program. It seems that the formation of the Australian constitution allows a state government to work independently of the Federal directive. Please note that the media and government websites using the word ‘cases’ refers to the number of people who tested positive to the PCR test. They are not hospital cases and may not be at all sick.

In every cloud is a silver lining. Some good things have come from the Covid event.

1) People making meals at home.
2) Families starting vegetable gardens.
3) Farmers diversifying to supply direct to homes and offer online shopping.
4) Less planes in the sky and cars on the road, meaning we can see the stars again.
5) People are travelling all over Australia, seeing, and benefiting our own country.
6) Farmers are using local unemployed to harvest the crops.
7) And much, much more!


  • The first and most critical priority is to begin to boost immunity by applying the knowledge.

  • This same protocol that protects against a virus will protect against adverse effects of the vaccination.

  • Its normal media alarmism to shout negatively and exaggerate about everything to do with Covid. So, don’t be concerned by new strains detected in water systems, animals, and other places.

  • We need to ask ourselves; do we need to know everything about Covid-19? Be mindful that our fear may be a greater threat than Covid. Australia’s infection rate is 0.115% of population and 909 deaths is 0.0036% of population. To help put the fear of Covid and vaccination into perspective here is other health news. Cardiovascular disease is causing one in four (26%) of all deaths in Australia.

  • A strong, healthy natural immune system is priority protection from which we can all benefit.

  • What is exciting to know is that in using the guidelines here, we are also protecting ourselves against other disease states and in many cases, we may find that existing health issues may disappear as each step is undertaken. And your cardiovascular system may improve in health too.

You may like to make an appointment with a naturopath for practitioner formulated supplements and herbs. Especially if there is a residual chronic health issue that may contribute to a weak immune system.

For those interested I’ve provided links to confirm news and for extra info.

Proverbs 13:12 Hope deferred makes a heart sick but desire fulfilled is a tree of life.