Blood Type Diet Basics Simplicity

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Most importantly, to optimise health this approach does not require the patient to go on complicated elimination diets or allergy/intolerance tests to identify foods that have a toxic effect on their system.

  • It does not require complicated metabolic calculations.

  • All it requires is that the patient removes from their diet, the foods that are toxic to their blood group as given in the book “Eat Right for Your Type”, by Dr Peter J. D’Adamo.

  • The book details Blood Type Plan which includes diet, weight loss factors, supplement advisory sections, stress-exercise profile and personality according to Blood Type.

  • Personally, I’m not able to reconcile the assumption that the various blood types in the human body came about through an evolutionary process. However, this assumption does not interfere with the empirical work developed in the 1950’s by James D’Adamo.

  • James and Peter D’Adamo’s work in the 1980’s on the relevance of blood type to certain disease conditions, embeds this work in practicality.


  • There’s a 90% chance of correctly determining a client’s blood type by examining peoples natural food choices without doing the blood group test, as we intuitively eat the foods that are right for our body.

  • Blood type is determined on the agglutination (or clumping) of the red blood cells according to the chemical markers called antigens. Each blood type possesses a different antigen with its own special structure. The blood type is named for the blood type antigen on the cell surface. When the immune system senses foreign antigens in the system, it creates antibodies to that antigen. These antibodies are proteins and attach to and tag the foreign antigen for destruction. When an antibody encounters an antigen of microbial origin, a reaction called agglutination occurs.

  • Agglutination causes the cells, viruses, bacteria to clump together, which makes their disposal from the body easier. However, the system of antigens and antibodies has other ramifications besides detecting microbial and other invaders. Dr Landsteiner (Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1930), discovered human blood groups and the antibodies they produced. His discovery is as follows:

>Blood Type A carries anti-B antibodies.

>Type B would be rejected by Type A

>Blood Type B carries anti-A antibodies.

>Type A would be rejected by Type B

>Thus type A and type B could not exchange blood.

>Blood Type AB carries no antibodies.

The universal receiver, it would accept any other blood type. But because it carries both A & B antigens, it would be rejected by all other blood types. Thus Type AB could receive blood from everyone, but could give blood to no one (except another Type AB)

>Blood Type O carries anti-A and anti-B antibodies.

Type A, Type B and Type AB would be rejected. Thus, Type O could not receive blood from anyone but another Type O. But, free of A-like and B-like antigens, Type O could give blood to everyone else. Type O is the universal donor!

Blood type antibodies are the strongest antibodies in our immune system and their ability to clump blood is so powerful that it can immediately be seen on a glass slide with the unaided eye. When a food is eaten that contains lectins that are incompatible with a specific blood type antigen, the lectin will target an organ or bodily system and begin to agglutinate blood cells in that area.

“For example the lectins in milk are compatible to the Type B antigen; therefore if a person with type A or type O blood drinks milk their system will immediately start the agglutination process in order to reject it. If the lectin settles or lodges amongst specific tissues, it has a magnetic effect on the cells in that region. The cells clump together and they are targeted for destruction. This clumping of cells can be a cause of irritable bowel syndrome in the intestine, cirrhosis in the liver; or it can block the blood flow through the kidneys and thus contribute to kidney failure”. Extract: Eat Right 4 Your Type, Dr D’Adamo

The Assassination of Gyorgi Markov

“You may be sceptical about how lectins could have such a profound effect on the body. However, there is a case that dramatically demonstrated the power of lectins. It is the assassination of Gyorgi Markov on a London street in 1978. Initially, the autopsy could not identify how it was done. But after a thorough search, a tiny gold bead was found embedded in Markov’s leg. The bead was coated with ricin, a toxic lectin extracted from castor beans. Ricin is such a powerful agglutinin that even a trace amount can cause death swiftly by converting the body’s red blood cells into large clots which block the arteries. Fortunately, most lectins found in the diet do not have such a dramatic and life threatening effect. However, when lectins are incompatible with the individual’s metabolism they can contribute or stimulate agglutination and other processes which can lead to disease. Many lectins are incompatible with specific blood types and thus knowledge of the patient’s blood type means that foods containing these lectins can be eliminated from the diet.” Extract: Eat Right 4 Your Type, Dr D’Adamo.

Eat Right 4 Your Type in not a panacea. But it is a way to restore the natural protective functions of your immune system, reset your metabolic clock, and clear your blood of dangerous agglutinating lectins. Depending on the severity of the condition and the level of compliance with the plan, every person will realise some benefits. That has been my experience, and the experience of my colleagues who use this system, with thousands of patients. It makes perfect scientific sense.

-Extract from Eat Right 4 Your Type, Dr D’Adamo Page 37

World Blood Types


O blood type 45%

A blood type 40%

B blood type 11%

AB blood type 4%


The Rhesus or Rh system has little to do with your blood type and is not important or needed for the blood type diet.


You will find that 90% of the information you will ever need is simply by knowing your ABO type. The secretor system offers a further refinement that allows a much deeper understanding of your blood’s characteristics. Your primary focus is in knowing your ABO blood type only in the first instance and beginning your food selections from this primary knowledge, and monitor the results. Tests for secretor status are available from the D’Adamo website.


further reading